10 on 10 August: Traveling Texas

My 10 on 10 August  is a traveling one. We were driving from my husband’s brother’s home in Austin, TX to my mom and dad’s in Houston. We’ve been traveling since July and it’s been a whirlwind of family, fun and a few meltdowns along the way. I was planning to post more frequently, but things got a little crazy with the big move– but I’ll post more about that later. Here’s out (slightly late) 10 on 10.

It was a lovely drive down highway 290 from Austin to Houston. If you’ve ever driven in this part of the country there’s a few gentle hills and a wide, open sky. The drive is dotted with scrubby trees, quaint towns, cows, horses and oil well machinery. I had planned on stopping to get some good shots of the landscape but with both kids sleeping I figured I shouldn’t push it.  They both slept for a little more than two hours of the three-hour drive. Jackpot!

There’s nothing like getting home. No matter how old I am, I love getting to my room in Houston and slipping into some comfy PJs. The kids love spending time at Nana’s house.

01- August 02- August 03- August 04- August 05- August 06- August 07- August 08- August 09- August 10- August

10 on 10 is a monthly photo essay project designed to help us see the beauty amid the chaos in our everyday lives. I’m so thankful that I learned about this project (several years ago!) and look forward to continuing it into the future. Just last month we were saying goodbye to Durham and next month we should be settling in to our new home in Baltimore!ten on ten button

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