10 on 10 October: First Fall

I feel like I just posted about arriving at our new home here in Maryland, but it’s already October and a month has flown by! Things are not 100% settled in but I did officially unpack my last box last night, so we are in the home stretch of the move. (More on that next week!)

Today was a grey, cool-ish October day. It’s our first fall here and there are already hints of those beautiful colors that I fell in love with while living in North Carolina. It’s still exciting to be in a new place, but every time I check Facebook or Instagram I get pangs of homesickness when I see what all my friends are up to. But we’re not all that far, so we may take a trip down to visit.

Today we went to the Irvine Nature Center in the morning and then stayed home for most of the day. We have begun our potty learning adventure with my son. Today he filled up his first sticker chart so he got to go to the store and select a reward. Definitely a milestone day! How was your day?

Irvine Nature Center - fall flowers


Snack time



It's only drizzle


Black rice


Still unfamiliar


10 on 10 is a monthly photo essay project designed to help us appreciate the beauty in our daily lives. I’ve participated for years and I still see something new each month. Want to learn more? Click the link below to go to creator, Rebekah Gough’s blog. ten on ten button

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