Action Baby Carriers
If you’ve ever been to our brick-and-mortar store in Raleigh, chances are you have seen at least on of our employees wearing an Action Baby Carrier. We love them so much because they are cute and comfortable to wear. We also love supporting WAHM businesses!
Action Baby Carriers come in Infant and Toddler sizes. The Infant comfortably fits babes from about 8-40 lbs. I started using mine with my daughter when she was just a couple of weeks old, with no extra insert necessary. The Toddler is three inches taller in the body and is recommended for children 15-45 lbs. Both styles can be worn in front or back positions with the straps criscrossed for comfort. You can read more about how much Sweetbottoms loves ABCs in this post.
I interviewed owner Andrea Govender to learn more about Action Baby Carriers. Andrea is one of the sewers and she bought the company from its founder in September of 2013.
What’s your favorite thing about working at ABC?
I love being my own boss, with two small children flexibility is key. I work more than I ever have, but I fit in whenever I can. This means I often work late at night and on weekends. I think we are different than most places because we are pretty laid back. We get what we need to get done, but we have fun doing it.
How do you use your Action Baby Carrier?
I love my Actions! I use them everywhere, around the house, running errands, on walks, at street fairs. I’ve never really taken a stroller anywhere. I actually work with my one-year-old on my back quite a bit. All my neighbors think I’m crazy because I tandem-wear my kids while walking my two big mutts. Everyone stares at us, but it works and keeps everyone happy.
Action Baby Carriers have such cute prints, how do you find your fabrics? How do you decide which prints to use?
I spend a lot of time looking at fabric. I keep on eye on what colors are popular for the coming season too. For the most part I just pick things that I like and would be happy wearing, I consult my husband and other friends with kids too.
What do you think sets Action Baby Carriers apart from other carriers?
We have a unique internal support system in our carrier, which no other carrier has. Our carriers are lightweight, very packable, and extremely comfortable. Actions are made in the United States and we are committed to paying our workers a living wage.
I haven’t tried tandem babywearing! Have you? Andrea makes it look so easy.
If you’d like to try an Action Baby Carrier of your own, we have a Giveaway for one going on right now! Hurry, it won’t last much longer. And remember to enter once a day.