aden + anais
One of our biggest and most popular brands is aden + anais. They are known throughout the world as high-quality muslin swaddle makers. (Even future kings use them!) Their lines of products specialize in items for you baby’s coziest sleep, but also include items for eating, bathing, diaper changes, and even adults. Read more to find out why we love aden + anais!
1. Sleep Sacks {Cozy in Dream in Grey}
2. A Little Something to Hold {Duke Giraffe Security Blanket + Elephant Jungle Jam Lovie}
3. Nursery + Bedding {Classic Changing Pad Cover in Up, Up and Away Elephant, Bamboo Dream Blanket in Moonlight Leafy, Bamboo Crib Sheet in Azure Beads}
4. Swaddling {Classic Swaddles in For the Birds + Classic Easy Swaddle in For the Birds- Paintbrush}
5. Bibs for all occasions {Classic Burpy Bib in Jungle Jam + Snap Bibs in Jungle Jam}
6. Bath and Body {Mum+Bub Shampoo, Body Wash, Lotion and Ointment + Hooded Towel and Washcloths in Twinkle}
Most aden + anais products are available in a variety of fabric and quantity choices. The Classic, Organic and Bamboo are the more lightweight versions while the Cozy is thicker and perfect for winter. They also have a new Cozy Plus for even colder temperatures! Each line has it’s own distinct patterns and color options but many of them mix and match nicely.
If you’ve never felt their muslin before, it’s a soft yet strong fabric that breathes easily. This helps keep baby warm but not overheated. It’s really easy to overheat newborns with thick and synthetic fabrics! And it’s so important to be careful of this because their little inner thermostats aren’t completely regulated in the first few weeks.
When you first take your muslin swaddle or sleep sack out of the box it may seem flatter and larger than you expected. That’s because it fluffs up with washing. For those of you familiar with prefold cloth diapers, it’s similar to how they behave.
If you’ve read this blog regularly, you might know I’m a bit of an aden + anais… enthusiast. It’s my go-to for baby gifts. My daughter sleeps in her Cozy Sleeping Bag every night (we just sized up to the medium— sniff!) and she still uses the swaddles for a light blanket or play mat. Oh and the burpy bibs? We use them every day. They are fantastic because they worked as an over-the-shoulder contoured burp cloth when she was smaller and now she wears them like a bib (I usually call it her sash.)
As you can see we have a huge selection of aden + anais at the Sweetbottoms store. We usually keep most of their products in stock, but if something is unavailable, just let us know and we can order it for you.

One of my favorite things about writing these Brand Spotlights is learning how companies started and the stories behind their success. Like many other companies, aden + anais started out of necessity. New mother Raegan Moya-Jones wanted to use soft, breathable muslin blankets when her daughter, Anais, was born. These blankets were commonly found in her native Australia, but not in the United States. She co-founded aden + anais in 2006 to bring the muslin swaddle blankets to the American market. Hear more about the story in this NPR interview.
To find out more about the company, I asked Carla Landry Knowlton, National Sales Manager, a few questions. You can read her bio and see everyone else’s baby photo here. How darling!
1. What do you love about working at aden + anais?
Working with our fantastic customers. Everyone is so friendly and has such a love for the brand. It’s exciting sharing our products with them.
2. How is aden + anais different from other companies? aden + anais was the first company to bring muslin swaddles to the United States! How exciting to have started such a wonderful thing for families with a product so safe for babies!
3. What’s your all-time favorite aden + anais product? The burpy bib! Such a genius product and I don’t even know the full appreciation since I don’t have children yet. My personal favorite that I use is either our NEW rayon from bamboo fiber muslin daydream blanket or the dreamer swaddle 4 pack that is my “go to” scarf!
4. What can’t you sleep without?
My husband and I can’t sleep without any of our daydream blankets!
5. What’s new for 2014?
Let’s just say 2014 will be an exciting new year with the most NEW product launches ever!
Here’s a sneak peek at a few items. I’m really tempted at the idea of the Bamboo Daydream Blanket! If you’ve never seen one before, the daydream blanket is basically an adult version of the child-sized Dream Blanket. It measures 60″x72″ and it’s a perfect throw to snuggle up with on the couch.
What’s your favorite aden + anais product? Let us know in the comments and then click on over to our main page to enter to WIN your own aden + anais Dream Blanket! Hurry! Contest ends January 27!