Allow me to introduce myself…
Greetings! I’m Sarah and I’m so happy to introduce myself as the new blogger for Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique. I’ll be posting about life with kids, fun activities, mommyhood, places to go, and, of course, about the great products we have at SBB. (I’m an expert, you see, I’ve own one of just about everything we carry!)
A little bit about myself
I love living in the gorgeous, tree-filled North Carolina Piedmont. I grew up along the Gulf Coast, so all these tall pines and the actual four seasons still amaze me each year. I live with my hubby and our 20-month-old son. I’ll be honest: he’s a busy little guy. On the cusp of 2 years old, he’s communicating his needs and wants, learning with such enthusiasm about the great big world, and running/climbing/jumping like a track star.
In my former (pre-mommy) life, I’ve had an evolving set of interests that still influence me today. I have a degree in journalism and was an exchange student in Pamplona, Spain while in college. After I got back, I worked and taught in elementary schools for 5 years before leaving to attend graduate school full-time. Since my son was born, I’ve been mostly a Stay-at-Home Mom, though I have worked part-time and babysat for a talkative little preschooler to have a little extra income and mostly to stay busy.
I generally have a pretty laid-back approach to parenting. Maybe because I’ve worked with kids in so many different age groups and skill levels, I have this perspective. My philosophy is that our children deserve the best we can give them and what they need changes so quickly and naturally all we have to do is follow their lead. That, and love them like crazy!
I’m so excited to share little tidbits from life with you all. I hope to do some fun customer features soon. I’d like to get everyone excited and involved. Please follow along and drop us a comment below!