First Trimester Relief

Early Pregnancy


If you’re looking for first trimester relief, we’ve got you covered at Sweetbottoms! The first few weeks of pregnancy aren’t usually the most pleasant. Sure, you might be thrilled to see that positive test, but the exuberance quickly fades as the exhaustion, nausea, muscle aches, and bloating kicks in. I remember it all so clearly because I’ve just survived my own first trimester.

That’s right, I’m pregnant! I’m actually pretty proud that I haven’t let it slip for so long. I’d just found out when I was asked to start blogging for Sweetbottoms and I was looking forward to the day when I could share it with you all. So I thought I’d share a few things I’ve wanted and needed these past three months.

1. Carriwell Maternity Support Band– These bands are nice because they can help hold together pants that will no longer button or secure maternity pants that are still a bit loose. As a second-time mom, my belly has popped out much faster than the first time around, so I’ve worn one to give me a little extra support for my achy back.

2. Earth Mama Angel Baby Morning Wellness Tea– We carry several of their teas for all the phases of pregnancy and lactation. Ginger is really one of the best antidotes to that nagging nausea and this one is full of it.

3. Clean Well Disinfectant Spray- I really, really hate getting sick. I hate it even more when I can’t take my usual cold medicine. I’ve tried to be extra-vigilant about germs this winter. Clean Well is nice because it kills germs botanically and actually smells good. I keep it in my purse or diaper bag and spritz it on anything that looks suspicious.

4. Motherlove Nipple Cream– Alright, ladies, I don’t know when this started for you, but I already need help for chapped nipples! This stuff is absolutely wonderful. It’s creamy without being too sticky and it really helps.

5. LuSa Belly Balm– It’s never too early to start taking care to the skin that’s going to stretch around your growing baby. Of course, all the LuSa products are made with organic ingredients so you don’t have to worry about weird chemicals on your belly!

6. Coconut Oil- This a wonderful natural moisturizing oil that has about a million uses. I like it as a simple massage oil. Massage is a great way to relax and relieve aching muscles in the first trimester and beyond.

7. The Mommy Measure- I haven’t picked up one of these yet but I totally want one. When I was pregnant with my son, I hardly took any photos or kept track of my size. I just remember being huge! This time I’d like to have a record and this little tape measure seems like a cute and easy way to document my pregnancy.

8. Cute Cards by Man vs. George- Looking for a creative way to announce your pregnancy? These fun, modern cards are printed on recycled paper in the USA. And we have them for several different occasions too!

I’ll keep you all up-to-date with my pregnancy. I’m looking forward to the ultrasound next month. Hopefully we will find out the gender; I’m not one who could wait!

Is there anything you recommend for first trimester discomforts?

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