We are excited to announce this month’s Free Featured Natural Baby Product is the JustNeem Neem Oil – Cure Oil.
About JustNeem Oil
JustNeem Oil, a natural baby product that can be used for both children and adults, helps heal skin cuts, burns, bites (including the seasonal mosquito bites!) and can be used to sooth acne, athlete’s foot, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.

The Story of JustNeem and a West African Community
Peter and Magda Radtke founded JustNeem, a local business located in Cary, North Carolina. Peter was introduced to the Neem tree by Bill Stoffregen, the former owner of Homewood Nursery in North Raleigh.
Bill had been invited by the Mauritanian governemnt to tour the country together with his friend, who was running a non-profit in Mauritania, in search for economic opportunities after a severe drought in 1999. Mauritania is a sub-Saharan country consisting of 90% desert. It is the poorest and least significant country in West Africa. Bill had discovered the Neem tree during this trip and noticed it was thriving in the hot and dry desert climate. He remembered that he was using a Neem-based pesticide in his greenhouses to protect his workers from harm. He realized that, if there was already a Neem-based product on the US market, then this tree would be the answer to his search. The Neem tree, a natural resource in Mauritania, could become an economic resource for its people.
He worked for years on putting together a product for agriculture to be sold in the US, but was not successful. A common friend told him about Peter, a biochemist who has worked in the pharmaceutical field all his life. Bill invited Peter to accompany him to a trip to Mauritania, to see if he could help come up with a tangible Neem-based product that could be sold here in the US and that in turn would create work and income for the poor in Mauritania.
This trip got Peter hooked. He was touched by the poor conditions of the people. Mauritanians oftentimes live off $1 a day. They often have to decide whether to buy water or food for themselves and their family. Peter felt the strong urge to become a part of the endeavor to utilize Neem for the benefit of the Mauritanian people. After his return, he dug in deep into scientific research to learn more about the tree. If it had repelling properties, as seen in the product used in Bill’s greenhouses, what else could it do?
Medicinal Uses of Neem

Peter came across amazing findings about the medicinal uses of Neem. He saw that Neem has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti fungal properties, that it contains natural antihistamine and repels bugs. He learned that Neem is native to India and south-east Asia and has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy and that Indians have build large beauty industries based on Neem. He learned about skin applications that Neem is used for, e.g. Psoriasis, Eczema, Rosacea, skin infections, bug bites, acne, and more. He learned that all parts of the tree can be used, the oil from the kernel, the leaves, the small blossoms, even the bark of the tree.
During that time, Magda took a leave of absence from her teaching job. She had taught boys in a group home for students who had been kicked out of public schools and were heading towards juvenile detention. As she had more time available then, Magda pursued the one thing she had wanted to learn as a hobby: how to make soap. When she told Peter about the soap making procedure and that she was looking for good oils to use, he said, “Why then don’t you use the Neem oil we are trying to find an application for?”
And that she did. Three months later Magda had her first home-sale of Neem soaps in her house. In 2007 they founded and incorporated JustNeem.
Why JustNeem?
JustNeem products are unique because of their medicinal value. Neem in and of itself is valuable, but after testing the Mauritanian Neem in a German lab (Peter and Magda are both from Germany) they found that it had much higher concentrations of the active ingredient Azadirachtin than Indian Neem. They concluded that the Neem that grows in the desert in West Africa had to withstand a much harsher climate and therefore has developed a stronger immune system to survive.
JustNeem buys Neem from Mauritanians, paying them a fair market price. They also give back from their sales to help establish and support a Neem orchard in the southern part of Mauritania, where a team of locals grow Neem and Mango trees, Jatropha bushes (for biodiesel), and seasonal vegetable. With these economic availabilities, many Mauritanians have already been able to improve their living conditions.
Dr. Oz’s Herb of the Month
Dr. Oz proclaimed Neem the herb of the month in January of 2013. He and Dr. Chaudhray aired an episode about Neem on February 22, calling it a “super herb.” They explained in detail what Neem is good for. JustNeem has experienced a surge in sales since the Dr. Oz show. “We are very grateful for this national exposure and are even more amazed about how many people are in want of Neem products, now as the word is out on what Neem can do,” says Magda.
How To Get Your Free Natural Baby Product (Limited Availability)
With $25 or more of product in your cart, add the featured product to your cart *and* then enter the coupon code ‘FEATURED’. Your cart will be adjusted accordingly so that your item is free. (You must have a total of $25 in your cart after discount is applied.)
Limit one free product per address. This item will be available to add to your cart until the FREE items have all been given away. Supplies are limited, so shop fast!