Friday Funnies: I must be crazy edition

We are headed to Texas! And by we I do not mean Sweetbottoms (sorry yall). I mean my son, daughter and I are headed down to Texas for the next month. Part of our trip is personal (my parents live in Houston) but it’s also a bit professional as I’m going to help out with some marketing work for my sister-in-law in Austin. There’s also a chance we might swing over to Baton Rouge, LA for a visit with my husband’s parents. There will be fun times with my kids’ cousins, hanging out with grandparents and great-grandparents, and probably at least one zoo visit.

I’m not really sure about all the specifics of my trip, just that I’ve agreed to get on an airplane as the sole caretaker of my afraid-of-flying three-year-old and interested-in-crawling six-month-old. I must be crazy.

Blog-wise I’ll still be posting 1-2 times a week plus a Friday Funny. If you don’t already, follow us on Instagram— I’ll post some highlights of our trip there (the gals in the store will have to keep up with what’s going on here).

Do you live in Texas? What are your favorite things to do with kids? 

If you are lucky enough to live in the Triangle Area, you really, really, really shouldn’t miss the Bin Bonanza going on this weekend. Great deals are always more exciting when put into bins, am I right? Oh and even if you don’t live here, we still found a way to let you in on the fun. Add this to your cart and get a surprise! This weekend only!

Other things you should do this weekend while I’m frantically packing (How many bibs can one gal need?)

1. Re-create childhood photos. These guys get +1 for their attention to detail.

2. Utter-feed Breastfeed in public.

3. For those of you with snow, make the most of it. (If you don’t have any, try making some!)

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