Pediped Shoes

At Sweetbottoms we have a large selection of Pedipeds shoes for your little walker… or runner. Read on to find out more about why we carry these great shoes.

Those first steps are such an important milestone. As parents we anxiously await the day our babes take their first wobbly strides into toddlerhood. One one hand, there’s pride that comes with the accomplishment and relief that indeed we won’t have to lug them around forever. On the other hand there’s a little bit of terror when we realize how mobile they have really become.

I remember my son’s first steps came around 9 months. We’d been at the mall all day and when we got home he busted out with the walking. It was like his revolt against being strapped in the stroller. With those first steps come thoughts of first shoes. I never had shoes for him before that. The weather didn’t warrant shoes for warmth and I figured he would have his whole life to wear shoes so he might as well enjoy being a barefoot babe.

I bought his first shoes online during a Black Friday sale and by the time they arrived, he’d already outgrown them!

Of course we know that the little ones can grow so fast and feet aren’t any different. That’s why it’s so important to have a good fit and shoes that are specialized for your child’s stage. Pediped makes three types of shoe to accommodate the changes your child is going through.

When walking barefoot, the toes curl and grip the surface with each step. Pediped shoes facilitate this natural movement. They’ve been approved by the American Podatric Medical Association to promote healthy foot development.


The first step is the Originals. They are made with a very flexible and soft sole so that early walkers aren’t impeded by a stiff shoe. The all-leather soles also feature diamond treading to protect against slips.

The Grip n Go line is made for transitioning toddlers. They feature a soft rubber sole with rounded edges. This natural shape protects the foot as little ones are walking more and more.

Once your child is walking (and climbing, running, jumping) with confidence, the Flex line of shoes is prefect for durable protection. These shoes have cushioned arch support and a soft, rubber sole. They also feature the Flex Fit system, which can actually prolong the wear your child can get out of these shoes.

My son’s first Pedipeds were the Sahara sandals. They held up to his running around all summer and seem like they will still fit next year. He has wide feet, so most shoes we’ve tried don’t work for him. But Pedipeds fit great. I also love how these are washable so they are perfect for water-based activities, which he adores.


I’m so glad I discovered Pedipeds and I’m looking forward to buying my daughter her first shoes with nervous anticipation!

We have recently restocked Pedipeds for the Fall and many styles are currently on sale. If you are local, come by the store and we can measure your child’s foot. For customers shopping online there is a Pediped sizing guide or even an iPad App you can use.


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