The Great Cloth Diaper Change 2014
Today was the Great Cloth Diaper Change and it was filled with babies, live music, great deals and discovering new products! I came home and got straight into my pajamas I was so exhausted! Hope you all had as much fun as we did.

After the Change, we had a Family Expo with local vendors and entertainment. Of course, it was also a great day to shop with several deals from national brands still going on from Earth Day. We also had a ton of raffles from our sponsors. But I think my favorite part was Rissi Palmer’s set. Her voice was amazing!
It was a gorgeous day to get a little bit of Vitamin D.
Um, lactation cookies are delicious. As if I need an excuse to eat cookies.
Mama learned how to make Real Smart Baby Food (while little bub caught a nap, of course).
We also had demo classes from Baby Sign Language and more. (Here’s our calender if you’re interested in more classes!)