
delialahlee My little guy is 5 months old and the time is flying. He’s eating more these days which means mama has to stay on top of my supplements to keep the milk coming in. Did you know you can breastfeed an adopted baby? A lot of times people are surprised to hear that but it’s true. A woman’s body has an innate maternal instinct and knows exactly what to do when a baby is consistently put to the breast. I pumped for a couple of weeks before his arrival to get things ready and started supplementing with Moringa for Milk by @sweetbottomsnaturals. As a #naturopathicdoctor I’m super picky about what supplements I use and this brand made the top of my list when I was on the search for the best #moringa to increase my milk supply. #Organic, #glutenfree, #allergenfree, and #kosher this stuff has been my go to!